New Day


Today I got up around 10:30 am after a rough night for my anxiety. I had been feeling fairly off all day. I had a panic attack around midnight and my nights sleep wasn’t as restful as I had planned it to be on finals week.
So this morning I declared that it is a new day so I made a green smoothie, had a slice of fiber toast, and a large cup of green tea with lemon.
Morning Green Smoothie
1 handful of pineapple
1/2 handful of kiwis
3 tbsp. plain greek yogurt
2 small handfulls of spinach
2 tbsp orange pineapple juice
Topped with protein granola
It’s another day. I’m feeling energized even after a sleepless night. Let’s have a better day shall we?

Here’s to Hoping

I have put on about thirty pounds since last August. It has thrown me for a loop and has just added working out and being healthy to my list of ever expanding to do’s. It seems fairly impossible for me to work my high stress job, keep up my 24 units a semester, eat healthy, workout five times a week, and still keep my house clean. I’m scrambling to say the least.

I’ve decided to take it step by step. I have finals this week so studying and working are my top two priorities. I have managed to switch my eating habits to start me off on the right path.

My days are starting out with a green smoothie made of pineapple, spinach, plain greek yogurt and just a dash of pineapple orange juice. A slice of extra fiber toast makes the meal complete. For lunch i’m usually at work. One of the perks of working in a restaurant is the free food, but more often than not it is covered and grease and super bad for me. So instead I am going to spend the extra five dollars and get a grilled chicken side salad. It’s nothing but no carb dinners for me and the boyfriend (He’s not thrilled, but he is supportive).

I’m praying this is enough to give me enough energy to do everything I need to get done and more. So everyone cross your fingers and wish me luck.

Always out of Time

Anxiety is a mental health issue that is suffered by many. It comes in all shapes and sizes. It cripples many and exhausts all. It lurks behind you and waits for you to finally relax before circling your spine like a snake.

My anxiety revolves around not having enough time. I feel as if I never invest my time in the most proper way. It makes me crazy in my work, my school, my relationships, and in my health. Lately I have been able to reroute this anxiety that I have and put it to good use. I cook healthier meals in less time, I workout in ways that maximize the output with every second, I study in ways that are proficient and quick, I work the most amount of hours I can while balancing the rest of my life.

I want to help others use their time in the most valuable way, because let me tell you the clock keeps ticking whether you use the time properly or not.